MHub CRM Enhances Lead Data Capture with Complete FB Adset Details

Today's update addresses a missing data point related to Facebook ad campaigns.

What Was the Issue?

Previously, MHub CRM didn't capture details like fb_ad_id, fb_ad_name, fb_adset_id, fb_adset_name, fb_campaign_id, and fb_campaign_name when leads were submitted.

The Solution:

Now, all Facebook ad set details are captured with your lead data for better campaign analysis.

Why This Matters:

Having access to complete FB adset details within your CRM offers several advantages:

  • Deeper Campaign Insights: Analyze the performance of your Facebook ad campaigns at a more granular level by identifying the specific adsets that generate leads.
  • Improved Lead Attribution: Accurately attribute leads to the most relevant Facebook adsets, allowing you to optimize your advertising spend and target audience selection.
  • Enhanced Lead Nurturing: Personalize your communication and lead nurturing strategies based on the adset that captured each lead's interest.

Our Commitment to You:

We are constantly striving to improve the accuracy and functionality of MHub CRM. This update reflects our dedication to providing you with the tools you need to make data-driven decisions and optimize your sales pipeline.

Have Questions?

If you have any questions or encounter further issues, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team. We're always happy to help!