Stay Compliant with MHub’s E-Invoice

Facilitate the seamless adoption of e-Invoicing in Malaysia with a secured, proven and integrated solution.

Get Onboarded Now

Effortless Invoice Management
Comply, Integrate, Automate

E-Invoicing for Property Developers: To your buyers and from your suppliers.

Near Real-time
Visibility & Security


Gain instant insight into your entire invoice pipeline with a near real-time dashboard. Enhanced security and data protection for your invoices.

Mobile Instant
Notification & Approval


Leverage historical invoice data to gain insights and improve forecasting accuracy for future cash flow and project budgeting.

LHDN Compliance &


Simplifies tax compliance (invoice flows and approvals) and automates invoice processes with Direct LHDN API.

Visualizing Traditional Methods vs E-Invoicing:
A Comparative Overview

Here's a simplified table to visualize the comparative points
between the paper-based invoicing and e-Invoicing:

Mapping the Workflow: E-Invoicing Efficiency

Here's a simplified workflow from a successful sale to the issuance of an e-Invoice which is then
stored on HDN's database as records.
(LHDN’s SDK 1.0 latest requirement)

Product Highlights


Near Real-Time Dashboard


Near real-time, holistic dashboard with drill-down capabilities empowers proactive planning, informed decision-making, and swift action on exceptions.


Pre-Validating Submission


Ensures accuracy by validating essential elements like TIN and pre-validating invoices before submission.


Approval Notification on Received E-Invoice


Real-time alerts for pending e-invoices with easy one-click actions to approve or reject.

Stay LHDN-Compliant with MHub!

Trusted By Leading Property Developers

MHub links all stakeholders in a neutral and inclusive ecosystem to work #BetterTogether.

Effortless Compliance: See MHub E-Invoice in Action - Request a Demo.

Reach out to our Developers Relation team today to be the first in line to adopt
E-invoicing to stay compliant and ahead in the real estate industry.