Fairer Launches with Booking Abuse Prevention

We're committed to ensuring a fair and efficient booking experience for everyone using MHub Showroom. That's why we're thrilled to introduce a brand new feature: Booking Abuse Prevention!

What's the Issue?

Previously, during Launch Mode, some agents were able to manipulate the system by repeatedly clicking the Reserve button just before the timer expired. This practice, often done in groups, prevented other agents from securing units for legitimate purchasers.

Introducing Booking Abuse Prevention:

Booking Abuse Prevention ensures a level playing field for all agents during Launch Mode. Here's how it works:

  • Maximum Reservation Attempts: Each project in Launch Mode can have a set maximum number of reservation attempts per unit. Once an agent reaches this limit, they'll be unable to further reserve that specific unit.
  • Project-Wide Cooldown (Optional): For projects with high demand, an optional setting can be enabled to lock out agents from making reservations for the entire project for a specific cooldown period (e.g., 180 minutes) if they exceed the attempt limit on any unit.
  • Attempt Window: Repeated reservation attempts within a short timeframe will be flagged. The "Attempt Window" setting determines how long agents have to wait before attempting to reserve the same unit again (e.g., 30 minutes).

Transparency and Control:

  • Clear User Notification: During Launch Mode, a message will be displayed below the countdown timer informing agents about Booking Abuse Prevention and the specific limitations in place (e.g., "Maximum 2 attempts within 30 mins").
  • User Profile Cooldown Details: Agents can view their cooldown status and remaining time for any locked projects within their user profile.
  • Admin Override (Optional): Admins can choose to enable the ability to manually remove cooldowns, allowing agents to book again if necessary.

Benefits for Everyone:

Booking Abuse Prevention creates a fairer and more efficient Launch Mode experience:

  • Agents: No longer need to compete with others using manipulative tactics.
  • Purchasers: Have a better chance of securing the units they desire during Launch Mode.
  • MHub Ecosystem: Promotes ethical practices and a positive user experience for all parties involved.

Booking Abuse Prevention applies only to External Agents.

With this update, MHub Showroom continues to empower a transparent and fair booking process for everyone.