MHub Showroom: Fairer Launch Mode with "Booking Abuse Prevention"

Introducing "Booking Abuse Prevention" in MHub Showroom to ensure fairness and efficiency during launches, addressing strategic unit reservation attempts during Launch Mode.

What Was the Challenge?

Previously, some agents exploited the Launch Mode timer by repeatedly clicking "Reserve", creating an unfair reservation environment.

Introducing Booking Abuse Prevention:

  • Fair Play: Our new feature limits excessive unit reservations during Launch Mode, ensuring a fair chance for all agents to secure bookings for genuine clients.
  • Customizable Settings: Project managers can define maximum booking attempts per unit within a specified "Attempt Window," tailoring settings to project needs.
  • Smart Prevention: The system distinguishes between legitimate attempts and potential abuse, resetting the timer for continued unit bookings upon successful reservation within the attempt window.

How It Works:

  • Booking Abuse Prevention is a project-level setting that can be enabled or disabled within the project configuration.
  • When enabled, a new section appears displaying the maximum attempts allowed and the Attempt Window duration.
  • Agents receive notifications during Launch Mode countdowns about active Booking Abuse Prevention settings and potential consequences for exceeding attempts.
  • If an agent exceeds the allowed attempts within the Attempt Window, the system prevents them from further reservations for that specific unit.

Additional Considerations:

  • Cooldown and attempt details are stored for future reference.
  • Project managers can choose to extend the block to the entire project if "Lock will affect entire project" is selected. This discourages attempts to monopolize multiple units within the same project.
  • Cooldowns can be manually lifted by admins within the user profile section, providing flexibility in specific situations.

Benefits for You:

  • Fairer Launch Process: Booking Abuse Prevention promotes a more level playing field during Launch Mode, ensuring all agents have a fair chance to secure bookings.
  • Improved Efficiency: Discourages unnecessary unit holding, potentially leading to faster unit reservation and project progress.
  • Enhanced Transparency: Clear notifications inform agents about Booking Abuse Prevention settings and potential consequences.

Our Commitment to You:

We are dedicated to continuously improving MHub Showroom and providing you with the tools you need to manage your launches effectively and fairly. This update reflects our commitment to a transparent and efficient sales environment.

Have Questions?

If you have any questions or encounter further issues, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team. We're always happy to help!